
What do different tyre tread patterns mean?
The tyre tread is the part of your tyre that makes direct contact with the surface of the road. Tyres have different types of tread patterns that can influence tyre wear, noise level, fuel consumption rate, driving comfort and handling traction &ndas...

Tyre Size Guide
Understanding tyre size Understanding the size of your tyre can be confusing. Typically, you can find the correct tyre size for your vehicle us...

How to change a tyre
Knowing how to change a tyre is an essential skill - even if you never want to use it! You can save both time and money by learning how to change your...

Summer vs all-season tyres
Naturally, the changing seasons will affect your tyres and should be changed according to suit. Your vehicle will benefit from having tyres that are s...

What makes your tyres illegal?
Ensuring your tyres are legal is not only important for vehicle maintenance, but also, for passenger safety. Your tyres will be checked annually at yo...

How to check the age of a tyre
Have you ever wondered exactly how old your tyres are? Knowing the age of your tyres is important - as aged tyres can cause a myriad of problems. Worn...

Illegal tyres - all you need to know
Worn down tyres are not only dangerous, but also illegal – any dangerous tyres could cost you a sweet sum of £2,500 as well as added point...

How to check tyre tread and depth
The tread depth of your tyre is highly important - having worn tyres could mean that you are breaking the law if they are below the minimum tread dept...

Everything you should know about storing tyres safely
As the weather switches from warm and sunny to cold and rainy, it's not just our raincoats and hats we need to think about, but our car tyres too. Se...

Should tyres be replaced in pairs?
Why two tyres are better than one. We all recognise that tyres are a costly expense when it comes to the maintenance of your car, but it's one that i...

Can I have different tyres on my car?
If you need to change your tyres, as you would after a puncture or normal tyre wear, it is common to be confused about which tyres you should use for...

Tyre of the Month: Bridgestone Weather Control A001
With the warmer seasons fast approaching, it might be time to consider changing your tyres. A perfect solution for this unreliable weather period is a...